About Us » Welcome


Message from the Principal

We believe that high school is much more than acquiring a diploma.  Abraxas High School serves a unique and diverse student body within a small school setting of those who are seeking to connect, or reconnect, with their future.
We believe that education must embrace not only academic growth, but also personal development and career exploration.  Our teachers and counselors provide focused care and attention to the unique personal development goals of each student.  As a small school, we are able to work closely with every student to develop individualized plans to achieve graduation goals and beyond.  Our curriculum emphasizes project-based learning to equip students with skills that will carry over into real-world experiences.  Our Career Development Program provides post-secondary education options, internships, volunteer opportunities, and elective courses to enable our students to make informed decisions regarding their future career alternatives.  Our flexible environment provides support for those with jobs as they balance work and school.
We realize that life presents us with challenges and setbacks from time to time, undermining our drive towards success.  At Abraxas, we are committed to provide our students with the best support and resources they need to progress successfully to the next stage in their lives.
Alain Henry
Principal, Abraxas